Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hw - 48 Family Perspective of The Care of The Dead

Question 1: What are some basic views of the Care of The Dead that come to mind?
Well, first of all, the body should be treated and second of all the soul must be respected.

Question 2: What do you think some of the dominant practices are under this kind of topic?
Some of the dominant practices may be having funerals and grievances after someone who has passed.

Question 3: Do you think you do anything different than the practices done in dominant cultures?
No. Only because I feel that practices done in our culture fit with nothing posed out of the regular. I could be wrong though.

Question 1: What are some things your family taught you about caring for the dead?
Not really sure or can't remember talking to them about it. But what I can tell you is that in my family after a family member has passed, we make sure to quickly arrange a proper funeral and discuss the burial.

Question 2: What are somethings you do similarly or differently to the practices done in the dominant cultures?
I do not like going to funerals but still do anyway out of respect even though that might contradict. I have never been in one but have witnessed quarrels over who gets to own what after a person has passed.

Question 3: What do you think needs to change in dominant social practices under caring for the dead?
Not sure. But I would like this negative assumption of not going to a burial or funeral to stop.

From these two brief interviews of my parents I can see that they are not phased by it as much and their views on it are of what dominant practices are. Although this may be the case I really liked the part where my father explained how he does not like to go to funerals but because of the pressures in our society to "show respect" it forces people sometimes to do things they may not enjoy. For this case particularly showing respect to the dead. I also noticed that dominant practices in our culture are either similar in some sense because we all treat the dead some way.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you chose to ask general questions like "What are some basic views of the Care of The Dead that come to mind?
    This permitted your interviewee to respond in a verity of ways. This proves beneficial because they can answer in any way they chose. But because the interviews were brief i did not get a good understanding of why the interviewee felt that respect for the soul is important or why care for the body is an essential.

    I would recommend making finding the balance between personal questions and general questions.
    -Sarah T
