Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hw - 44 Comments on Other People's Projects

To Harry:

Your topic of choice is very interesting because adoption in the U.S is overlooked by many people and should deserve more attention then what it gets now. In your post, I especially like the bit about "seeking cultural identity" because it's a interesting complexity for those who have been adopted; whether to call themselves what their adopted parents culture is, or the family that gave them up for adoption. A focus you could of also brought into this post is the psychology aspect of finding identity and how psychologist may look at this kind of issue of displacement within adopted children. This topic of seeking identity is especially interesting to me because what makes us who we are are the cultural aspects our families follow that shape and construct us and for the adopted children, they fall in between two cultures and the question of "which one do I choose"?

Great Post!

To Alex:

I enjoyed reading this piece written to Chuck Schumer, and the basic concepts of the pros and cons of Pregnancy/Births in the U.S. In your post you bring up good points that can be developed into powerful persuading statements for instance the bit where woman are prefer hospitals over midwifes because they trust the hospital more. Here, you can expand on how the doctor influence has a connotation of professionalism that sounds more reassuring than a midwife that a woman may know little about.

Good Post!

To Matt B:

This letter was moving with its creative and persuasive language. From the beginning of the powerful and relevant Kennedy quote, to the atrocious statistical data and your analysis of it, I found myself convinced that I was reading a speech of a "budding activist", but like American literature, we have beautiful writing but the actual action the writing is meant to provide is skewed. A question I have for you is, "if you were to begin this kind of movement, how would you account for the movement of actual action holding true to the beautiful writing provided?"

Great Post!

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