Sunday, October 31, 2010

Hw - 11 Final Food Project 1

For my Food Project, I decided to choose an experiment to write about. After watching Food Inc. and reading Fast Food Nation, the confines of where meat was coming from changed the way I looked at food in general. The fast food stores or the corner store Chinese restaurants, etc. had meat which at this point was all questionable. For my experiment I fasted for 24hours with the only exception of having water.
First Hour: I'm pretty much solid as of now, whatever I ate last has still gotten me pretty full but I'm not sure if I'm going to last for the next 23 hours just sitting around drinking water.
Eighth Hour: I'm okay. My mom cooked pasta with marinara sauce on top of beef tonight and I have to only drink water as of now before I go to sleep which is going to be rough.
Fourteenth Hour: I woke up in the middle of the night with my stomach raging in hunger. Compelled to eat oreo's with milk, I toughed it out with a glass of water and stayed up the remainder of the night listening to music and doing homework.
Twenty-First Hour: I couldn't do it, I actually believed I was gonna die if I did not eat anything. I didn't eat meat though, I had a nice bowl of cereal which I felt almost still satisfied my goal of fasting, but I don't know if I could of gone another 4 hours without eating or drinking anything that didn't taste good.
Twenty-Fourth Hour: The end. What have I endured during this 24 hour long experiment. Breaking a trend/process that I have been doing all my life, eating meat, is pretty much harder than what I thought it would be. The constant thought of gnawing down on a Chipotle burrito consumed my thoughts of what my next meal should be. The over-bearing amount of pressure it is on someone who eats meat has to break a trend that is basically second hand to their nature of eating is difficult. I think if I were to continue this experiment once more, it would further heighten my tolerance for meat, but breaking a trend would be something I would miss. I think the only reason why I enjoyed remembering eating meat during my 24 hour fast was because of the sight and the pleasure the type of food I ate gave to me. The food is presented as this tasteful delight that can be easily accessed but unfortunately is rather unhealthy.

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